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Expertly Facilitated Collaboration & Innovation Workshops

In-Person ♦ Hybrid ♦ Virtual

Shark Tank-Style Innovation Challenge

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to bring your team or conference attendees together while fostering innovation and collaboration?

Look no further than our Shark Tank-Style Innovation Challenge, which will inspire your team to think outside the box and pitch their best ideas.

This program is perfect for organizations looking to promote innovation, creativity, and teamwork. It provides a unique and exciting platform for participants to showcase their ideas and collaborate with their colleagues.

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Ideation Workshop Facilitation

Unleash the full potential of your team’s creativity and innovation with our Ideation Workshop Facilitation service.

Led by an experienced collaboration coaches, this program is perfect for organizations looking to promote innovation, creativity, and teamwork. We utilize a range of brainstorming techniques, such as ideation games, mind mapping, and visual thinking exercises to inspire creativity and foster innovation.

Let us help your organization to unleash its full potential with our expert ideation workshops.

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  • Nonprofit Strategic Planning Package

Purpose, Mission, Vision & Values Workshop

Is your organization lacking a clear purpose, mission, vision, and values? Are you struggling to articulate them in a way that inspires and guides your team?

Most companies struggle with defining and implementing their purpose, mission, vision and values in a way that is meaningful and actionable by all key stakeholders in a business, but our expert facilitators are here to help.

This workshop is the perfect solution for any organization that is looking to define its core guiding principles in a clear and compelling way.

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  • white board with project plan elements

Project Planning Workshop Facilitation

If you’re a leader looking to ensure your projects get off to a great start, we can provide the expert guidance and support your teams need to create thorough, effective project plans.

We understand that creating a thorough project plan can be a challenging task, especially when it involves multiple teams or stakeholders. That’s where our experienced collaboration coaches and project management experts assist you in setting your project teams up for success. 

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  • Strategic Planning for B Corps

Process Design Workshop Facilitation

Are you looking for ways to streamline operations, improve productivity, or enhance customer satisfaction?

Our Process Design Workshop Facilitation Service can help you achieve these goals and more. By working collaboratively with your team, we can unlock the full potential of your organization and create lasting change.

Our experienced collaboration coaches guide you through the process of designing and implementing effective business processes tailored to meet your specific needs.

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